Monday, June 19, 2017


Dejamos unos machetillos (Erythrina sp.) creciendo en el vivero,
especie silvo-pastoril que esperamos plantar en los cercos.
Manos en la tierra, gracias Indira 😁por ayudarme con el trasplante.

Monday, June 12, 2017

kiss of the turtle

There's a myth among PhD candidates doing their fieldwork:

"a tireless and efficient (and statistically-savvy) field assistant you will have,
if you kiss a turtle in your hand"

only Ale knows if they co-worked happily ever after...

Thursday, June 8, 2017

exclosures May...with decomposition

One complementary and equally important activity that went on during May was setting up Alejandra´s decomposition experiment. It demanded lots of work to say the least, but the results and insights into this ecosystem service will be worth it :)

setting up the experiment in the field

helping and getting involved

preparing the litter bags