Thursday, December 20, 2018

non-haphazard scenes

sometimes things in the field seem purposeful
they look so deliberate and arranged

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

one last one for 2018

A last visit to the field before we see this 2018 go by. A fruitful week: we sampled trees in four more paddocks and mapped the northern corner of the ejido. It's evident, these neotropical mountain forests are used for ranching; they're forested rangelands in which livestock benefit from an array of grasses and forbs found throughout a diverse terrain, like green grass in the valleys, and where streams offer drinking water and trees provide shelter and shade. These are multifunctional landscapes with benefits (services, resources, contributions...) as well as conflicts, I for one have enjoyed the beauty and coolnes of riparian areas, at least the ones with well-conserved gallery forests, while also succumbed to pervasive seed ticks.

cows doing their thing
top-left: keep your distance (as I learned)

you cannot run away

El Sabinal, a new favourite

Wednesday, December 5, 2018