Thursday, July 26, 2018

spectacular blossom

on some occasions you stumble upon pure beauty

Furcraea (Asparagaceae)

or a cool and shady stream canyon 

moment of content

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

la canícula

Farmers are worried that despite some occasional showers, two of which got me when I was there last week, an adequate rainy season is yet to start and crops have already been sown in the fields.
Work continues though: The systematic sampling of trees in the landscape, the sporadic mapping of paddocks, resin production measurements (due next week), and of course opportunistic encounters with nature and other treats:


yerba santa maize & bean tamal (!)

Tres Picos (and this waxy guy again)

Friday, July 13, 2018

Escuela Telesecundaria 168

No está de más, felicitar a las y los muchach@s de la Secundaria en Los Ángeles por su graduación el pasado 4 de julio de 2018.

el bailable

la ceremonia bajo el domo, bien surtida

con el Graduado

y en su honor, una hermosa orquídea de traspatio:

Epidendrum ciliare