Friday, May 31, 2019

the final stretch

It was time to head back, actually to where we started. And so the fieldwork is over and now it's time to tell the story in a scientific sort of way. In the meantime summer has arrived here, Wageningen is looking great and the pond behind Lumen is at its wildflower best. I hope it will inspire some writing —the type that ends up in a journal and a thesis. I really do :)

at Wageningen UR

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

la última y nos vamos

La última entrega de resina, para mí claro, y con ello completar todo un año de mediciones. Aprovechamos para compartir algunos resultados preliminares -preparamos una infografía- y luego agradecer y despedirnos.

Los campesinos y el campo, la montaña y los arroyos, la vida en la frontera forestal: todo ha sido una experiencia muy (sur)real. ¡Han pasado treinta meses!, y con ello la fase de campo se terminó.

lo juntado de la mañana

el acopio

los recuerdos

Friday, March 22, 2019

winding down

Feelings are as ambivalent as the recent weather. Sunny gloom as this fieldwork is coming to an end. I've been finishing a few remaining interviews, which end up as casual -extended- conversations that hint a goodbye. I'm going to miss this place, the people, these mountains, my small part in it all.

A coincidental dog theme:

Orchids (Encyclia cordigera) and "Solita" in the back patio

some company for the last paddock sample

Thursday, February 28, 2019

una visita institucional


en torno a: "¿Qué limita la producción de resina?"

La resina en California ha llamado la atención de diferentes instituciones de gobierno, mismos que la han promovido y apoyado, como un proyecto exitoso que conjuga el desarrollo y la conservación. Oficiales de varias instituciones ambientales, como CONAFOR, CONANP y SEMARNAT, así como una diputada, la presidenta de la Comisión de Bosques y Selvas del Congreso del Estado de Chiapas, vinieron a "conocer la realidad y escuchar de la gente" del proyecto de resina. A todos nos quedó claro que es necesario apoyar estos proyectos, pero el reto consiste en colaborar y encontrar los fondos para conseguirlo.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Although I was later told it was the most common of snakes, encountering a colubrid when you least expect it is certainly (for me) a unique experience.

Drymarchon melanurus

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

hiking the Sierra

While farmers are harvesting maize, tapping pine trees and competing in a baskeball tournament (it's Los Ángeles' anniversary), we've been busy hiking the mountains and doing some land mapping. It's a wonderful time to do so, with the changing weather and flowering of many plant species. I think we might have found the highest point of the ejido in its south corner: 1,534 m.a.s.l.

hiking & tick-grooming partner

doing the northern ejido border

Mormodes lineata Bateman ex. Lindl. (Orchidaceae)

the elephant flower

about to harvest

mapping boundaries with the elders

pashte at 'El Paishtal' - Spanish moss

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Matthew is done!

Congratulations to Matthew Kyriakides and also to Alejandra and Thom, on an excellent thesis based on a well-planned-hard-sweaty fieldwork.

Thesis cover

Your (California) family and friends are all very proud! All the best on your next endeavour.

@ Tuxtla bus station

Thursday, January 24, 2019

hasta pronto Philipp a.k.a. Don Felipe

Philipp's been doing some great fieldwork and analysis, and it was time to share his preliminary results. We thus had an informative and practical workshop with interested farmers at their resin collection center. Good stuff...stay tunned for his upcoming (MSc) thesis.

Thanks Philipp for a well prepared and participatory session. You'll surely be missed in California!

explaining what we've been up to

the (action) research questions

taking it to the field

spontaneous tree-thinning discussion

and Guarianthe orchids in bloom